
Friday, November 29, 2019

Hilarious Haiku's

This week for writing on Tuesday we focused on writing haiku's. Elsha and  I wrote a few haiku's together. They were a bit funny and interesting to read. Haiku's are a short poem that has three lines. The first and last line both have to have five syllables, while the second with seven. They don't have to rhyme, but some of ours do.
Here as an example of a haiku to show you what it looks like.
An ocean voyage
As waves break over the bow
The sea welcomes me

Here is ours
The dog barked at me
I then jumped and screamed so loud

Neighbors came quickly

Life is just awesome
I am always having fun
Even when I’m Numb

Sun sun sun sun sun,
It is so much fun fun fun
Even when it’s done

Thank you for reading.

Have you ever written a haiku? If not, give it a try!